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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Estimation of Tile quantity for 10' x 12' room. How many sq ft tile required?


By using this following model calculation anyone can able to find the tile requirement and the cost required easily. For this calculation we used 12’ x 10’ (inner) room.

Room size = 12’ x 10’

Area of the room = 12 x 10 = 120 square feet.

We also provide tiles at the junction of floor and wall (Skirting). So we need to calculate that area also. Assume the height of the skirting will be 4”

Length of the skirting = (2 x 12’) + (2 x 10’) = 44’  [ Inner Perimeter of the Room]

Now Area of skirting = 44’ x (4”/12) = 14.52 square feet

Total Tile laying square feet = 120 + 14.52 = 134.52 square feet

Let us take 150 square feet including wastage

Second, we have to find the cement mortar for laying the tile. For this we can assume 1:6 ratio mortar. It means 1-part cement and 6-part sand. mortar thickness will be 2”

Total mortar volume required = 150 x (2”/12) = 25 cubic feet.

Quantity of sand = (6/7) x 25 x 1.33 = 28.5 cubic feet = take 29 cubic feet of sand.

Quantity of cement = (1/7) x (25/35.29) x 1.33 x (1440/50) = 3.87 bags = 4 bags of cement.

Here 35.29 conversion factor, 1.33 = dry factor, 1440 = density of cement, 50= Kg per bag.

You can fill the rate details in your area and you will easily get the details



Unit rate



150 square feet




29 cubic feet




4 bags



Joint Filler




Labour charge

150 square feet



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